Strange Loop

2009 - 2023


St. Louis, MO

Conduit: A Library for Distributed Applications in Clojure

Writing applications that are distributed across multiple machines implies sending messages between the different logical portions of the code. The book "Enterprise Integration Patterns" went a long way towards documenting the various standard ways this message passing could be envisioned. Libraries like Apache Camel provide concrete implementations of these ideas, but have limitations that come from the languages they are implemented in or target.

 I introduce a library, called Conduit, that provides a clean conceptual framework for thinking about and composing distributed applications. EIP patterns can easily be constructed, reasoned about and connected using a small number of basic operators that hide the complexity of sending and receiving messages across various transports. The library can be extended easily to implement any transport that a user might require. An AMQP transport will be demonstrated and methods to extend to other transports explained. Establishing a foundation for thinking about distributed applications is the primary thrust of the talk so that developers will have a different perspective to approach such problems with.

 You should attend if you want to stop doing distributed and multi-threaded apps the "hard way". This talk will show you a better way of thinking about and then implementing your designs.

Jim Duey

Jim Duey